How Can Bowen Therapy Help Pregnancy/Fertility


Many people associate Bowen Therapy with sports injuries and mental health, but did you know that Bowen Therapy can actually be incredibly beneficial to pregnant women and women struggling to conceive?

To many pregnancy is a beautiful time period in their life, but many women also suffer immensely during their pregnancy. Over time the body and well-being can decline, be it morning sickness, tiredness or physical pain.

Gowri Motha, author of ‘The Gentle Birth Method’ is an advocate for Bowen Therapy – she prescribes her many celebrity clients Bowen for physical cases of back pain, nausea, pubic and pelvic pain, mastitis, temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) problems and also emotionally, for mothers who are anxious and tense.

With regard to fertility, Bowen has been known to help with Pelvic tilt. Pelvic tilt is a condition that can cause problems with the positioning of the foetus. Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free, holistic therapy that consists of a Bowen practitioner making small rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at specific focus points on the body. Bowen Therapy encourages the body to recognise the problem itself, rather than “forcing” it to change. This type of gentle procedure can encourage the baby’s head to engage.


Here is a testimonial from a Bowen client who suffered from fertility problems and had experienced a miscarriage: “After 5 years of fertility treatment at Coventry Hospital and 1 miscarriage I decided to give Bowen a go. My body took to it straight away. I became a bit more relaxed and after a few sessions I became pregnant. I carried on with the treatment through my pregnancy. Caroline (Lison) found that my pelvis was out of line which she had to put right a few times. Bowen is an amazing experience and I would recommend it to any lady with fertility problems. Thank you so much Caroline.

If you or somebody you know is pregnant or struggling with their fertility, it might be time to see how  Bowen Therapy can help you. Please visit to find a Bowen therapist near you or email


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