Don’t lose your sleep, get counting those sheep!

Today is World Sleep Day. We all know that sleep is important for our health, mind and body, and without it, we eventually become more irritable, tired and lack concentration.

Yet despite knowing all of this, many of us are guilty of not getting the recommended eight hours a night. It seems that we, as a society, sometimes forget just how vital having a good night’s sleep is for the body, and how it is just as important as breathing, drinking and eating.


There have been many case studies showing us how important sleep is and, in a new discovery led by sleep expert Professor Derk-Jan Dijk from the University of Surrey, scientists have found that just one week of poor sleep can disrupt hundreds of genes, thus increasing the risk of potential life-threatening illnesses linked to stress, obesity and diabetes, to name a few.

Bowen Therapy is known for its healing qualities and for releasing stress via its calming effect on the Autonomic Nervous System. It is a natural, drug free, non-invasive complementary therapy. Its quick and effective treatment can help improve problems relating to sleep deprivation such as stress.

Many people that suffer from insomnia resort to taking sleep-inducing tablets and medicines.

However, rather than ‘making’ the body change, Bowen Therapy ‘asks’ the body to recognise the ailment, like insomnia, and make the changes it requires.

During the 30-60 minute treatment, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual.

No hard-tissue manipulation or force is needed or used.

Between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

You can read testimonials from insomnia sufferers who have had some wonderful results from Bowen here.

If you suffer from sleep deprivation, or know somebody that does, see if Bowen could help you. Find a qualified Bowen practitioner near to you by visiting our website or call 07713 552 858.

Banish the January Blues with Bowen

So you’ve polished off the chocolate tin (even the rubbish ones at the bottom), the decks are down and you’re back at work – Christmas really is over.
But don’t worry; we are at the start of a brand new, promising year, so shake off those January blues and embrace the new decade with Bowen.
The festive period can be seriously exhausting – physically and mentally. Bowen therapy can help with muscular and skeletal problems in the neck, shoulder, hip, knees, ankle and back, as well as easing stress and sleeping problems.
We’ve all vowed to work off the turkey and mulled wine with a gruelling exercise regime this January, but if you go a little too far nailing your New Year body, Bowen has great results with sports injuries and whiplash.If you’re not feeling up to hitting the gym because you have one of the many winter viruses doing the rounds, then do not fear. Bowen can have a great overall effect on improving the immune system.


Food and drink are a huge part of Christmas and New Year, but if you’re sick of the sight of mince pies and feeling bloated or sluggish from the festive fodder, why not try Bowen for its digestive benefits?
If you’re anything like us, your body and mind may be due a little rejuvenation right about now. If you’re interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you, visit the website to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 07713 552858.

International Men’s Health Week

International Men’s Health Week is celebrated in several countries the week leading up to and including Father’s Day. The main goal of this annual health campaign is to increase awareness of preventable health problems (both physical and mental) and encourage early detection and treatment of conditions among men and boys. This year, Men’s Health Week runs from 10-16 June.

This period is a good time for all men to reflect and focus on their health. According to a report, most men prefer to not discuss their health issues with people. Only 7% of men discuss health issues with their male friends. Almost one-fifth of men do not discuss private topics such as bedroom concerns, relationships, and urinary issues with anyone.

Research (commissioned by Mind) has found that work is the most stressful factor in people’s lives. We don’t exactly need statistics to understand that working within an institution can stimulate pressure – especially amongst men.


The consequences of stress can lead to the body’s mental, emotional and physical response to change from what it’s used to. Although it is considered a normal part of life, many men still struggle to deal with the effects and it is only then that stress becomes a negative possession – when there is no form of relief!

Effectively, men coping with stress can benefit professionally and personally from undergoing Bowen treatment.


The Bowen Technique is a natural, drug-free, non-invasive, complementary therapy that can help combat stress.

Rather than ‘making’ the body change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires.

With most men expressing that their biggest anxiety is “the pressure to be successful” in the workplace, Bowen can be of assistance in many cases of emotional stress, where relaxation is a prime factor in easing pain and anxiety.

The treatment is known for its soothing qualities for physical complaints and is an extremely relaxing experience that can have many emotive benefits too. We believe that The Bowen Technique is ideal for the promotion of men’s health and wellbeing and is most definitely an agent that can improve the prosperity of health within males.

For more information and advice on stress and mental health issues please visit

April is IBS Awareness Month

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a highly common digestive condition that can cause many unpleasant symptoms, such as; abdominal pain, constipation, bloating and diarrhoea.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you are not on your own – IBS is common and yet many people remain undiagnosed and do not realise that their symptoms are IBS. Between 9 – 23% of the global population is affected by IBS and it is more common in females accounting for 2 out of 3 cases.

Whilst IBS is largely unpleasant, the cause of the condition is predominately unknown and even the healthiest of people can suffer from it. Celebrities that have spoken out about their struggles with IBS include Tyra Banks, Jenny McCarthy and Kirsten Dunst.
IBS symptoms are not predictable and vary from day to day. If IBS is not managed, it can interfere with a person’s life and affect them physically and emotionally.
It is thought that IBS may be caused by a disruption in the interaction between brain, nervous system and the gut, and it is believed to be brought on by stress. We do know that stress can make the symptoms worse or be a trigger. Due to the lack of knowledge of this condition, many people have to suffer as treatments are not guaranteed to be effective.
Bowen Therapy can help to aid IBS alongside other digestive conditions. The Bowen Technique is a drug-free, non-invasive therapy applied primarily by small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissues. These movements are applied at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for the specific individual.

There is no force or hard-tissue manipulation needed, and between each set of moves the body is allowed to rest for a few moments. This is done so the body can trigger it’s own healing systems; instead of making the body change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise what’s wrong and begin to make the changes it requires.

Here are what some Bowen clients say about Bowen and IBS:

“I was very dispirited after nearly 12 months of conventional treatment – painkillers, fibre drinks etc. All of which were pretty ineffective; including diet control. Bowen treatment has given me back control of my life. I can plan ahead and know if I have a relapse there is treatment that will work for me. With IBS there is a treatment that will work for you to treat the cause and not just the symptoms.“
“I initially saw a Bowen therapist when my doctor said I had IBS and it couldn’t be treated. After 3 sessions I had no symptoms and IBS has never returned. That was 11 years ago and I visit my Bowen therapist whenever I have symptoms that need treating. Bowen work goes beyond the treatment that any doctor can give me.”
“After suffering irritable bowel symptoms for some time, I had 4 sessions of Bowen Therapy. Even after the first session, I felt much more relaxed and my energy level increased. I have had some improvement in my IBS although it comes and goes.. I intend to continue with top-up treatments at intervals as I feel Bowen has really helped me.”
“Bowen is a truly amazing treatment, I cannot praise it enough! It cured me of an illness that hospital consultants only scratched their heads at. I still use Bowen to keep me in check. Love it.”

If you suffer from a digestive condition and want to know how Bowen Therapy can help you, then please visit to find a Bowen therapist near you.

Bowen can help with bedwetting

Running a children’s clinic can bring its own challenges but also huge rewards. There’s nothing better than seeing a happy, relaxed child and an even happier parent. As with any first appointment, you never know what you’re going to discover when that little (or not so little) one walks, toddles or is carried through the door. The challenge might not be the condition that they present with – that’s par for the course. There’s the reluctant teenager, the little bundle of energy, the shy one, the noisy one ……. All make for interesting times!

One of my first clients was a young teenager with bedwetting problems who was brought in by mum. It was obviously not being made an issue at home, but social life was severely limited – school trips away and sleep-overs at friends’ were not an option.
After one session, there was slight improvement but not enough to last. Second session – no real change and the third, again some improvement. The fourth session was the last, no further appointments were made and I never heard from them again – until a few months later when I bumped into mum by chance and found out that the reason they hadn’t returned was that they hadn’t needed to! The teenager was able to go away with friends and apart from an occasional ‘accident’ all was well. Such a difference, and his friendships and confidence had blossomed.

Purely by coincidence, another client of the same age, same gender and same condition came in and I repeated everything I’d done before, with exactly the same results. Another teenager able to go on trips away, confident that there was no potential for embarrassment. There are so many reasons for bedwetting. We were fortunate in that they both responded well to Bowen, and the reason for their condition was not insurmountable.
For details of your nearest Chidren’s Clinic, visit

Clearing out the Medicine Cabinet for 2019

Firstly, Happy New Year from us at the BTPA! For most, January is the start of a health kick as part of their new year’s resolutions. With a general focus on a better wellbeing; dieting, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol are some of the more popular New Year’s resolutions the UK strives for.

As part of your New Year’s detox, it might be beneficial for you to consider what prescribed medicines you consume day to day and see if you can convert to a healthier, alternative remedy or therapy.

A report conducted by the Health and Social Care Information Centre has found that nearly 50% of the adult population are taking prescription drugs to combat a range of illnesses and health issues. More than a fifth of men and nearly a quarter of women are taking at least three prescriptions. Obviously there are illnesses which are recommended to be treated with prescribed medicines but there are also health problems which can be treated with alternative, therapies and natural remedial techniques.

Prescribed Medicine

Pain relief and antidepressants were amongst the most prescribed medicines. 1 in 10 women are reported to be taking antidepressants, double the amount compared to men. Certain types of pain can be relieved and mental health issues can be aided through the use of alternative and remedial therapies.

Bowen Therapy is an example of a complementary remedial technique which can be used to relieve a variety of health problems and wellbeing concerns. Bowen Therapy is a drug free, holistic remedy meaning the whole body is considered through the therapy and the whole body is responsive to the technique.

The Bowen Technique applies a finger, thumb rolling movement to the client’s muscle ligaments, tendons and fascia, allowing the body to release stress from a very deep level, therefore encouraging the body to repair and heal naturally.


Due to the relief of deep stress and tension on the body through muscle stimulation, Bowen Therapy is an ideal holistic remedy to relieve pain. Specific areas of the body can be targeted such as the lower back or shoulder pain however; you may find that Bowen Therapy also relieves pain from other areas across the body.

Those who suffer from mental health problems may find that Bowen Therapy can help relieve them of the symptoms of their conditions. The Bowen Technique aims to release stress from deep inside the body, encouraging the body to restore its natural hormonal and physiological balance. This may in turn help reduce some of the symptoms of mild depression, anxiety and stress.

Bowen BTPA athletic male image

Bowen Therapy is generally pleasant to receive, with a session lasting between 30 – 60 minutes depending on the age of the client and the nature of their symptoms. This treatment requires a break of 5 – 10 days between sessions to allow the muscles to process the subtle changes and to adapt to therapy. Bowen therapy is suitable for all ages.

To find out more about which heath problems and wellbeing concerns Bowen Therapy can help with, visit the BTPA testimonials page here. To locate a Bowen Therapist near you click here.

Stress Awareness Month

Women between the ages of 25 and 34 are said to be the most stressed.
April is National Stress Awareness Month and, according to a survey carried out by Kalms, climbing the career ladder, being a parent, paying the mortgage and trying to maintain a social life all trigger higher stress levels in women aged 25-34.

The study also concluded that, over a year, the average Brit gets stressed 208 times and men and women tend to worry about different things.

Neil Shah, Director of the Stress Management Society said: “Women worry more about bills and finances, and juggling their time, but men are more concerned about working long hours and debt.”

The Bowen Technique is a natural, drug-free, non-invasive, complementary therapy that can help combat stress.

Rather than ‘making’ the body change, Bowen ‘asks’ the body to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires.

During the 30-60 minute treatment, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body, using only the amount of pressure appropriate for that individual.

No hard-tissue manipulation or force is needed or used.

Between each set of moves, the body is allowed to rest for a few minutes, to allow it to absorb the information it has received and initiate the healing process.

Bowen is known for its soothing qualities for physical complaints; however it is an extremely relaxing experience that can have many emotional benefits too.

One client said: “It is exactly what I needed at a time when stress in my life has been at a peak and for quite some time now. The results I am experiencing are beyond my expectations, as I find old injuries are eased out and movement in my neck, jaw, legs releasing into some kind of freedom for spontaneity such as I felt in my mid-20’s.”

Read the rest of the client’s testimonial here.

If you are stressed, or are caring for somebody is, and are interested in how Bowen Therapy can help you visit the website to find a Bowen therapist near you or call 07713 552 858.